Friday 1 February 2013


Image 1:
From this image we can tell were the scene is set and who is involved, the lady is stood in a position with her nose pointed upwards this then gives us the impression that she has a high status unlike the rest of the characters in this scene, because she has her hand placed on the girls shoulder shows us that she is passing her status onto her by the way she is acting towards her. We can tell that the scene is set in some sort of school because the girls are all in uniform in some way that matches. But thy may be wearing their uniform but it also gives us the impression that it is a laid back school because of the way they are dress as the uniform is not smart and also wearing earrings and their clothes loose.  It also shows us that the scene is set in the modern day as the uniforms in which the characters are wearing are very modern, also are similar uniforms which we would wear. The connotation is shown when she is meant to be wearing the tie but she is wearing it in the wrong way showing us that she’s a sort of rebel and may not follow the rules.  By the way that the characters are all stood it gives us the impression that they are all focusing on one spot showing us that something is happening within the scene. By the facial expressions that the characters are portraying gives us the impression that whatever is happening in this scene they are not too happy about. The lighting is used to make the scene bright as looks like it is being shot outside, meaning the shot needs to look light and airy. 

Image 2:
This shot is very different from the first shot, the angle of this shot sets the scene very much, we can tell that this shot has been taken in her house as she is angled to the right on side of the scene showing us the furniture which is in her house that is very old fashioned giving us the impression on how old she actually is. The lighting which has been used is a backlight this has been used because it shows how gloomy to the room looks. From this image I get the impressions that she is in deep thought about something that is happening in the scene I can tell by the actress’s facial expression. The character is in a bright pink dressing gown showing us that the scene has been set in the morning or night this is also shown through the lighting because by the shadow it is showing us that the sun is rising or setting.

Image 3:
This shot has been framed with a short of over the shoulder angle using a medium shot so we can still see the expression on the charcters faces but can also see there body languge. The camera is placed so the actors are in the certer of the screen showing us that there the main part of the sceen and the main focus. The light which they have used this a camp fire light which has been made to show the effect of how dark the area they are in is , this is called artificail lighting. By the way the lighting has been placed reflects onto the trees in the background showing us part of where the scene has beeen set. They have done this because they don’t want to confuses people wherwe the scene has been set but this could also mean that they want the aurdience to think something is going to creep up from behind them because of the low lighting giving the scene a creepy feel about it. The actors are wearing green and cream clothing which gives us the impression that they are in a jungel and are doing some sort of caming because we think they are sat round a camp fire.  By the actors face which you can see he looks as if hes in a deep converstation listening to what the actor with their back to the camera is saying, this can be seen as worry but also romantic.

Image 4:
The image below is shows a scene between two people looking deeply at each other. This scene shows a slight confusion because the wall behind is a bright red which makes you think death and blood straight away. The man in the back ground has a big hard tattoo on this back showing us what type of place this is. It shows us that this is no normal nice bar which you go into it seems dark weird place to be because you can’t just go into a restaurant or bar with no top on. There is a back lighting on this scene showing that shadows reflecting onto the back wall, this also shows us that it doesn’t seem a very nice place to be. By the way the characters are dressed and the objects in this scene shows us that its set in a modern day because they wear clothes which we would wear so is set in the 20th century, they also gives us the impression that it is warm because they are wearing very summery clothes giving us the impression that the scene an area is a warm place to be. With the feel of death and blood but the red background can also make people think of romance red is the colour of love making us as the viewer think that these too characters are in love.   By the facial expressions which the characters are showing us shows us that they may be in love because they are looking at each other in happy smiley way.  The bottle which the character is holding in their hand is a denotation because it is a bottle and he may be using it as that. But because of the two sides of the story we see from this shot as we can see death and blood shows use the connotation and him not using it as he should do and using the bottle as a weapon.

Image 5:
This final image is very much like the campfire image, the lighting which has been used is artificial lighting. The lighting is hand help and has the impression that they have made it themselves, the scene has been set in a dark area this is shown with the lighting which has been used it also gives us the impression that the scene may be set in a castle or some sort of cave. The torch is a denotation as they are using for the light in which it is there for, but by the way the characters are stood they look like they are staring at something dark meaning that they could be looking at something which is a threat to them meaning that they will use the torch as a connotation by using it as a weapon to hurt or defend themselves. The clothing which the characters are wearing in this scene are very old and raggedy showing us that it is set in the med evil times because of the clothes that they are wearing and by using the torch fires the light the place up. The clothes are like rages and aren’t very well looked after giving us the impression that they do not have a lot of money or they have been travelling along time before they come to the their destination meaning the clothes are broken and ripped. Finally, this shot gives us the sight of confusion because we wonder why they look this and why they are in this area making use want to watch more.